Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker

The Age of MiraclesThe Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a very interesting book, to say the least. It starts off right away, no holds bar and gets right down to it....the earth's rotation is slowing down. Birds start dying, then plants, animals, etc.

This story is told out the eyes of a girl named Julia, who is looking back on the beginning of the slowing and how her life has to change and evolve over the course of about a year or so. We see how she and her friends and parents deal with the slowing and her relationship with a boy named Seth. Julia and Seth share a sweet little romance, but in the end, parishes, unfortunately.

Julia mainly focuses on how the slowing effects her life and the people around her, not so much the world as a whole, which I get. She's a teenager and teenagers are typically self-centered and don't focus on much of anything other than their own lives. But, I was left wanting to know more of what happened to other parts of the world due to the slowing and was left wondering what would I do if this actually happened. I even wanted to know more about Circadia and how these "Real Timers" coped with the slowing. I had a lot of questions, and they never seemed to be answered.

I thought the ending was a really lame. We jump from Julia being young teenager, 12-13 years old, to all of a sudden she's 23. Whaaaatttt???? There is just way too much time in between there that is left unsaid and then the story is done. Just done... Like that......Left hanging there. I read the last chapter and looked around dumbfounded. What the heck!?! Not good, in my opinion.

The rest of the book was great, but the ending was horrid. So disappointing. I feel this story had so much potential to be a fantastic story, but I was just left feeling flat. 3.5 out of 5 stars for me because of the poor ending. I am glad I read it though.

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